Abacus Mental Math


Abacus Mental Math is a whole-brain training tool that helps students increase faster mental math skills.

Confidence in math transfers to confidence outside the classroom with Abacus Mental Math.
True confidence is an assurance in one's own skills. Children don't know how to fake confidence because they are honest with themselves and the world. The only way to truly help a child achieve confidence in math is when kids understand math and can easily use it in their lives. Then, confidence is born naturally because they have the skill and they are assured of it. You can tell children to believe in themselves until you are blue in the face, but if they can't do it they won't believe in themselves. Abacus transforms the confidence a child exudes in mathematical skills. There is no need to tell them to believe they can do it, they already know they can! According to research not only is abacus a powerful tool for teaching mental math, but the training induces brain activation that can be transferable beyond mental math. Scientists, fascinated by the results of abacus training are delving deeper into understand why it works so well and the findings are undeniable that using the abacus places a child at an advantage mathematically and beyond.


fun, easy & effective

Abacus Mental Health is a program designed around the innovative Abacus Methodology. By combining the Japanese pathways of reading, listening and flash anzan, students are taught how to quickly visualize and solve math problems in their head. The Abacus Mental Health program increases students' confidence and promotes balanced, whole-brain development, all while engaging students in fun and easy classes.

"It can take a little longer to learn math in this way. Certainly it took me a little while to fully grasp this approach. But decomposition gives people a better underlying sense of how the math actually works.”

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