The English Language-Focus For Success

Feb 3, 2022

We are in the world of instant gratification, often choosing shortcuts or an easy path. In learning, we ignore how important the English language can be. 

As parents, we tend to focus more on Math, but I have this overarching question, is this why writing skills are almost always overlooked?

Here is my thought process, we don’t want to put an effort nor have deep thinking. These skills need to be inculcated early on in our daily lives. What you learn from school is not enough. I strongly believe kids need to have as much support in writing as they do in Math. At Midwest Abacus Learning Center we teach math of course but we also focus on writing. It is important to me and here is why: it makes your child increase their analytical skills to ponder more on the topic, improves grammar, spelling and vocabulary. This deep thinking that is built into our children will carry over to everyday life situations and help them to be successful in academics, in the job and life.



Thank You,

